Página com apontamentos diversos.
Page with miscellaneous notes.
My github page:
https://github.com/sergiomb2Python MultipartPostHandler2
https://github.com/sergiomb2/MultipartPostHandler2 and
Fedora packager maintainer:
https://src.fedoraproject.org/user/sergiombMy fedora copr page:
Patchutils with diffview
Miscellaneous notes:
Create one boot.iso to rescue Fedora Linux
Create one pen USB bootable to upgrade bios (DOS) and check if USB boots, without reboot
Cloning Linux OS over the network
How to patch and building a kernel for Fedora
Fromdos: Converts text files from M$ (CR/LF) to Linux (LF)
My projects on SourceForge:
sourceforge produce a pretty default page http://sergiomb.users.sourceforge.net/sergio at this domain
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Contents on this site are licensed under the license GPLv3 (open and free software). you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.